Get more productive employees with remote work

laptop remote working

Working from home has become increasingly accepted and many of us now do so. However, how can we ensure productivity when working from the comfort of our couch? The answer lies in choosing the right IT solutions. In this article, we will explore the essential tools that your IT solution should possess.

Employers may be concerned about losing control over how their employees work with remote work.

Studies have shown that remote work can increase productivity and reduce stress levels, as well as being beneficial for the environment and promoting work-life balance. Additionally, it allows for more flexibility, which typically leads to happier employees. Furthermore, offering remote work options can attract talent from outside the company’s geographical location.

Employers may be concerned about losing control over how their employees work with remote work. Traditionally, employers kept track of employees’ activities when they were in the office. However, with remote work, the focus should be on the results achieved during working hours.

It is better to measure productivity by the outcomes achieved rather than the number of hours spent in the office. This requires managers to set clear goals and explain why remote work is beneficial for employees. Clearly defined goals enable growth for both the individual and the company.

Successful remote work depends on the IT solution

The success of remote work largely depends on the IT solution provided. Many of us require a quiet environment to perform certain tasks, and for work that demands concentration, remote work can be a suitable option. Additionally, the pandemic has shown that working from home can be effective when feeling slightly unwell but still able to work.

According to a study by Owl Labs, 16% of companies worldwide are fully remote. Companies like Spotify have adopted a remote work model, allowing their employees to work from home, a café, or a summer cottage. However, the effectiveness of working outside the office is contingent on the employer’s IT solution. If the technology does not function correctly, the positive effects of remote work may not be realized.

To ensure the success of remote work, your IT solution should possess four essential features:

1. Chat

A quick and easy way to communicate with colleagues one-on-one or in chat groups. This tool is perfect for remote work and enables rapid correspondence. For instance, at HybridComms, a chat room is created for all employees to receive the latest company news.

2. Video meetings

Digital meetings are essential for smooth remote work, and video meetings make it easier to organize internal and external meetings without any hassle. With HybridFlow’s video conference tool, you can start meetings instantly with colleagues and send invite links to participants for external meetings.

3. Mobile App

Accessible and easy-to-use telephone conferences are crucial for remote work. A mobile app allows you to create invite codes and call participants from landlines or mobile phones without using your own phone.

4. Smart Profiles

This feature, such as HybridFlow’s profiles, enables you to display your availability to colleagues, making it easier to know if you’re in a meeting, at lunch, or out of the office.

In conclusion, remote work is not possible for every industry, but for those that can, having the right IT solution is essential for efficient and successful work from home. With a plethora of digital workplace tools available, it is crucial to choose the ones that suit your team’s needs. Smart digital tools make remote work a breeze, increasing productivity and reducing stress. If you want to help your employees work more efficiently from home, consider exploring some of these digital tools.

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