HybridComms chat widget – improved sales, leads, and customer satisfaction

Different customers have different preferences when it comes to communication. Some prefer phone calls, while others opt for emails or chat. By integrating a live chat feature like HybridFlow chat on your website, you can enhance your accessibility to customers. This enables you to seize every opportunity and offer multiple communication channels for your company.

Surveys indicate that modern customers are both impatient and easily distracted. Consequently, if they require prompt assistance, they may turn to another provider. In fact, 44% of Zendesk’s surveyed customers emphasised the importance of live chat or chat widgets as a critical feature for online companies. Furthermore, according to Forrester, visitors who engage in live chat are 2.8 times more likely to make a purchase compared to those who don’t.

Why should you invest in a live chat? Nowadays, customers typically visit a website before seeking direct interaction. With a live chat option, you can provide visitors with the instant opportunity to engage with a real person. This approach effectively drives conversions, boosts sales, and facilitates exceptional customer service.

A live chat feature offers easy accessibility for customers, eliminating the need to search for contact information or email addresses. Instead, support is readily available in a pop-up window directly on your website. Customers can engage in real-time conversations with your agents, resulting in greater satisfaction since they no longer have to wait for email responses or spend time on hold during phone calls.

Additionally, many customers appreciate the informal nature of live chat conversations. By breaking down interactions into smaller, manageable parts, a chat session can often resolve what would have otherwise required multiple emails over several days. We have previously highlighted the significance of first-contact resolution, which live chat can greatly assist with. When utilized correctly, live chat becomes the helping hand that enhances the customer experience and increases the likelihood of repeat business and future revenue.

Fits WordPress out of the box.

Hybridcomms offers a WordPress compatible chat widget that enables seamless customer conversations. No other product combines telephony and chat functions as comprehensively as Hybridcomms chat widget. By implementing this widget on your company website, you can engage in live chat with your customers.

With the widget, assisting customers becomes much easier as it displays the expected wait time in the telephone queue, your company’s opening hours, and contact details. What’s more, the chat widget is provided at no additional cost within HybridFlow, eliminating the need for separate system management or expenses.

Our aim is to enable our customers to eliminate traditional “contact us” pages from their websites. Instead, we offer a tidy widget that remains accessible regardless of the user’s location on the page. The live chat functionality adds value by facilitating dialogue and allowing you to tailor the service according to the customer’s specific needs.

Check out all our contact lookup integrations, and let us know if you have any other questions.

If you are concerned your phone system isn’t keeping up with your business get in touch – we would love to show you how HybridFlow is helping our customers be better!

Get in touch for a chat or a quick Demo – We love to talk!

hello@hybridcomms.io – or give us a call

Call the Hybrid Team today on 03300564565 , or email us at hello@hybridcomms.io

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